Totara Learn Open Discussions

Cannot read file '335_catalog_header.jpg'. Either the file does not exist or there is a permission problem. Error

Cannot read file '335_catalog_header.jpg'. Either the file does not exist or there is a permission problem. Error
BrownMalinda 发表于 2021年09月15日 Wednesday 07:33

We recently rebuilt our testing Totara site from our production site, but when we did none of the graphics we defined for the catalog images or course headers are appearing. We receive the error: Cannot read file '335_catalog_header.jpg'. Either the file does not exist or there is a permission problem.

The graphics appear correctly in the production side but not in our testing environment. Can someone please help me understand what went wrong and how this can be fixed. 

Thank you for you time. 

Malinda Brown

LMS Administrator

Re: Cannot read file '335_catalog_header.jpg'. Either the file does not exist or there is a permission problem. Error
ShawDavid 发表于 2021年09月16日 Thursday 01:40

Hi Malinda,

Did you copy the sitedata folder over from live to your test environment?  That will be where all the uploaded files including these images are stored.
