Totara Learn Open Discussions

Notify all learners who did not select any session

Joyce Maurin
Notify all learners who did not select any session
di Joyce Maurin - Monday, 18 October 2021, 08:17
Gruppo Partners


Is there a way to message all the learners in a course who did not select a seminar session? We have multiple seminars in a course and would like the users to select their sessions. So we'd like to contact only those who did not select their session yet (even if the session did not occur yet, s the activity is not completed yet)

Or would we need to use the workaround to message all learners even those who selected their session already? (for LX purpose we would like to avoid that)

Best regards,

Re: Notify all learners who did not select any session
di George Angus - Monday, 18 October 2021, 20:23
Gruppo Totara

Hi Joyce,

This isn't possible at present, I think the only way to do this would be message users using the Seminar booking reminder and to make it very clear what's expected of them.



Joyce Maurin
Re: Notify all learners who did not select any session
di Joyce Maurin - Monday, 18 October 2021, 23:57
Gruppo Partners

Hi Georges,

Thanks for your answer.

It wouldn't work because it would only target those who already did the action we ask them to do. The Seminar booking reminder is only sent to those who did register.

So I'll suggest to use the announcement forum instead. But that's not really suitable neither on a long-term perspective (as if someone followed this course years ago they would get the message as well - so we'd need to work with groups and that's a complication).