Totara Learn Open Discussions

Contact history

Nick Craggs
Contact history
by Nick Craggs - Monday, 8 November 2021, 1:12 AM


I would like to add some form of contact history to a learners record, so if another tutor has contact with the learner, they can see some background on them, but I don't want the learner to be able to see this?

Does anyone know the easiest/most straight forward way to create this?



Craig Eves
Re: Contact history
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 8 November 2021, 5:32 PM
Group Totara

Hi Nick

The most straight forward way to do this is to create a custom user profile field  with restricted or no visibility depending on who should see the information.

There is also a setting enabling notes  that lets notes about users to be applied at a sit,e, course or personal level It also allows you to apply the same note to several selected users.