Totara Learn Open Discussions

Adding suspended users to retrospective seminar events

Cathy Manhire
Adding suspended users to retrospective seminar events
by Cathy Manhire - Wednesday, 17 November 2021, 2:39 AM

Having moved our booked event management into Totara we are looking at some of our historic records for attendance prior to this move.  We can retrospectively add events but there are cases where it would be, for sake of completeness, useful to be able to add suspended users to these historic events.  Can we do this without having to unsuspend these users as this would elevate the role of the individuals able to perform this task.

I guess we could just do a bulk upload of course completions but we would prefer to be able to do this within the seminar activity.


Craig Eves
Re: Adding suspended users to retrospective seminar events
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 18 November 2021, 6:34 PM
Group Totara

Hi Cathy

I tried using the Add users via file upload for a past event for a suspended user in Totara 14 and the user was added Ok.

What version of Totara are you using ?

This probably isn't scalable as you can only upload users for one event at a time.



Cathy Manhire
Re: Adding suspended users to retrospective seminar events
by Cathy Manhire - Friday, 19 November 2021, 2:08 AM

Thanks Craig, we are usimg 13 but very close to upgrading to 14 which have already on our staging site, so will try out the upload.  As you say, if it isn't scaleable it might not be of much benefit, especially as these aren't large events.  I will also need to check the permissions of the role that will be working on this retrospective data.
