Totara Learn Open Discussions

Uploading Users to seminars by csv. upload

Christian Greiner
Uploading Users to seminars by csv. upload
door Christian Greiner - Tuesday, 25 January 2022, 04:17 AM

Dear community,

can somebody support me with a example file (csv.) to show me how the upload file for attendees of seminars  should look like.

I always get the feedback that i do not consider a cell title in the csv file...

thanks for sharing/supporting!

Craig Eves
Re: Uploading Users to seminars by csv. upload
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 30 January 2022, 18:39 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Christian

The format of the upload attendance file prepopulated with users is provided when you select CSV export for Upload - 

I am not sure what version this was introduced in.
