Totara Learn Open Discussions

Manually awarding a badge

Paula Americo
Manually awarding a badge
door Paula Americo - Tuesday, 15 February 2022, 10:48 AM

Good afternoon, all! One of our badges expired so we created a new one in an attempt to re-award our users. Unfortunately, the new badge was only awarded to 9 of 23 users who earned it. Is there a way to manually award the new badge to the users who have already completed the course? Thank you! 

Craig Eves
Re: Manually awarding a badge
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 15 February 2022, 15:16 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Paula

You should be able to set a course badge criteria to Manual issue by role and select which role can award the badge.

The is also a course completion criteria that automatically awards the badge based on the course grade or completing by a date - can you check this to see if all of the users meet this condition?


Paula Americo
Re: Manually awarding a badge
door Paula Americo - Wednesday, 16 February 2022, 05:34 AM

Thanks, Craig. None of the roles are suitable for awarding the badge. The users have all met the criteria for completing the course - that's why I'm still stumped! :)

Kristen Hames
Re: Manually awarding a badge
door Kristen Hames - Thursday, 17 February 2022, 08:36 AM

I did a screencast of our issue---
Under criteria, we don't have the option to choose "Manual issue by role."

Link to screencast

Meredith Henson
Re: Manually awarding a badge
door Meredith Henson - Thursday, 17 February 2022, 12:04 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Paula, Kristen

Once a badge has been issued to anyone it is 'locked' and issuing criteria and expiry settings can no longer be changed.  This is to prevent individuals who have previously received the badge from no longer meeting the required criteria.

I suggest using the 'copy' option on the original badge and creating a new (identical) one that can then be issued manually.

Kind regards,

Kristen Hames
Re: Manually awarding a badge
door Kristen Hames - Thursday, 17 February 2022, 13:27 PM

Thanks for replying, Meredith! I really appreciate it. 

I was able to do the copy as you suggested and change that criteria to allow site administrators to manually award the badge. All my "badge earners" are in the existing badge earners column. Unfortunately, it's not showing all those users as actually having the badge. 

Don't know why! 

Another screencast. 

Meredith Henson
Re: Manually awarding a badge
door Meredith Henson - Friday, 18 February 2022, 03:51 AM
Groep Totara

Hi Kristen,

Thank you for the screencasts, they are super helpful.

While I'm not 100% sure why the numbers of recipients versus earners don't add up as I didn't see your initial set up, I suspect it might be based on the badge criteria being set to ALL rather ANY. 

That means to receive this badge, learners need to have completed those quizzes and be manually awarded the badge. 

Could you give it another go please, this time choose the ANY option and making sure you run cron or it's already running.

Let me know how you get on!


* you can run cron manually as an admin as per

Kristen Hames
Re: Manually awarding a badge
door Kristen Hames - Friday, 18 February 2022, 05:17 AM

That was the exact adjustment I needed to make. 

Thank you so much! 

Meredith Henson
Re: Manually awarding a badge
door Meredith Henson - Friday, 18 February 2022, 06:18 AM
Groep Totara
Awesome!  Glad to help Kristen :)