Totara Talent Experience Platform Open Discussions

Totara Newsletter Subscription

Colleen Rowley-Smith
Totara Newsletter Subscription
by Colleen Rowley-Smith - Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 4:01 AM


I've noticed that there is a Totara newsletter subscription on the dashboard here which I have signed up to - I think this is a really useful feature.  I'm wondering if anyone can tell me where these newsletters are sent from?  We are looking for a weekly digest type function for our users to help with engagement for our external users to give them a run down of what's been happening on the platform at regular intervals, so my thinking is if this is sent from the platform itself could we duplicate this functionality? 



Craig Eves
Re: Totara Newsletter Subscription
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 17 March 2022, 5:53 PM
Group Totara

Hi Colleen

I am not able to see the newsletter subscription item.

This discussion is a forum that has the option to subscribe to so am thinking an announcement forum has been setup and hidden from users with a link to the forum subscription in a block added to the dashboard..

Edit - I can see it now - it could be a HTML block with a forum link but looks like there is some intelligence in it as it collects data so probably a customisation.


Jordan Ash
Re: Totara Newsletter Subscription
by Jordan Ash - Friday, 18 March 2022, 2:58 AM
Group TotaraGroup TXP Site Administrator
Hi Colleen,

What you see on this dashboard page is a HubSpot form embedded within a HTML block. 

If you want to create a weekly newsletter in Totara, you could use a forum activity like we have here:

Then you will just need to subscribe all the users you would like to this forum, and adjust the permissions to limit who can post.

Colleen Rowley-Smith
Re: Totara Newsletter Subscription
by Colleen Rowley-Smith - Wednesday, 23 March 2022, 9:44 AM

Thanks both, really helpful responses :)