Totara Open Discussions

Totara 12: Notifications

Agnes Skoczek
Totara 12: Notifications
by Agnes Skoczek - Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 10:45 PM

I was hoping to get some guidance on Default Seminar Notifications as I haven't been able to find the clarity on Totara Learning.

There are three notifications on seminar booking requests:

* Seminar booking admin request: applies to approvers who have been made admins at the "Event role" level.

* Seminar booking request: applies to the Manager/Manager/Amin approval process.

* Seminar booking role request: this one is unclear to me. Is this a notification triggered when someone is trying to set up a new "event" which is sent to approval? This is what the definition on Totara seems to be however the default wording seems to suggest that it has to do with booking into a particular course.

Any clarification on this would be helpful :)

Craig Eves
Re: Totara 12: Notifications
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 17 March 2022, 4:35 PM
Group Totara

Hi Agnes

Seminar booking admin request: this is sent to people who have been selected as an administrative approver - either through the event role or activity level through two stage approval

Seminar booking request: this is sent to all people who are required to approve the seminar booking so could be managers and administrative approvers

Seminar booking role request : this is sent to users that are selected who are in the roles specified in event role approval.. There may be several users in the approval role for the seminar so when the event is setup you have the option to select the users for the specific event . This is who receive this notification.

Hopefully that helps.