Totara Learn Open Discussions

Deleted badge still showing

Paula Americo
Deleted badge still showing
על ידי Paula Americo בתאריך 25/04/2022, 13:49

Good afternoon!!! I recently deleted a badge (and removed the existing issued badges) and then deleted the certification it was attached to. Unfortunately, this "ghost" badge is still showing up for my users. Is there a reason for this?? Thank you!

Craig Eves
Re: Deleted badge still showing
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 25/04/2022, 18:36
קבוצה Totara

Hi Paula

Theoretically deleting the badge and removing existing issued badges should delete the badge from the user's profile.

This may not be immediate as it may be reliant on a cron task - can you check again?

If this is still there are you or your partner able to create a support ticket with details on version and settings so we can fix this.


Paula Americo
Re: Deleted badge still showing
על ידי Paula Americo בתאריך 26/04/2022, 05:28

Hello Craig. Thank you for your response. It has been about 4 business days since we deleted the badge, so I don't think it's a cron issue. We don't actually have access to the Helpdesk so we're trying to figure out what else we can do to solve this issue. Thank you!