Totara Learn Open Discussions

Restrict OJT to only be seen after it's marked as complete

Jen Brookes
Restrict OJT to only be seen after it's marked as complete
بواسطة Sunday, 22 May 2022, 2:37 PM - Jen Brookes

This might seem odd but I need to be able to restrict an OJT activity so that it is only visible to the learning after it's been marked as complete. I can see an option to make it visible once another activity is done but it can't be lock down to itself (if that makes sense).

I want the manager to be able to see it at all time but the learner to not see it until after its done. They will sit down face to face and go over it then the results will be shown to the learner. Any help with that or ideas for a workaround would be great.

Thanks - Jen

Matthew Carson
Re: Restrict OJT to only be seen after it's marked as complete
بواسطة Sunday, 22 May 2022, 6:58 PM - Matthew Carson

Hi Jen, we had a similar issue. Our workaround was this

  1. Create a section which only the managers can access, which contains the OJT tool
  2. In a section where the learner has access, create a URL link which only becomes available once the OJT is completed
  3. Make the URL link to the OJT tool

Hope that makes sense


Jen Brookes
Re: Restrict OJT to only be seen after it's marked as complete
بواسطة Monday, 23 May 2022, 2:17 PM - Jen Brookes

Genius! Thank you so much Matt. Great workaround and exactly what I was looking for :-)

Matthew Carson
Re: Restrict OJT to only be seen after it's marked as complete
بواسطة Monday, 23 May 2022, 5:41 PM - Matthew Carson

No worries, glad I could help :)

- Matt

Eastern Health, Victoria, Australia

Patrick Moloney
Re: Restrict OJT to only be seen after it's marked as complete
بواسطة Monday, 22 August 2022, 7:25 PM - Patrick Moloney

Hi Jen, 

Where did you see the option to make it visible once another activity is done? Currently my settings only allow learners to see the OJT once they are enrolled in a course. I want learners to be able to view the OJT without being enrolled in the course and this might help.



Jen Brookes
Re: Restrict OJT to only be seen after it's marked as complete
بواسطة Monday, 22 August 2022, 9:12 PM - Jen Brookes

When I edit the OJT there is a Restrict Access option. That open a popup with a heap of different restriction options. The Activity Completion is the one that would mean it's not visible until another activity is marked as complete. Hope that helps :)

Restrict Access options

Patrick Moloney
Re: Restrict OJT to only be seen after it's marked as complete
بواسطة Wednesday, 24 August 2022, 12:22 PM - Patrick Moloney

Hi Jen,

thanks for getting back to me so quickly. That's not going to work for me so I'll keep looking. 

Have a good day