Totara Learn Open Discussions

LinkedIn Learning Course Completion Upload

Carol Papish-Putnam
LinkedIn Learning Course Completion Upload
by Carol Papish-Putnam - Wednesday, 17 August 2022, 8:30 AM

We have upgraded to Totara 16 and are very pleased to have access to the LinkedIn Learning Content Marketplace (finally!!).  But even though we will have LIL courses uploaded into Totara, it is possible that some of our users will continue to take those courses directly from LIL.  Therefore, we will need to continue our periodic manual Course Completion upload.  In the past, all LIL Course Completion uploads would create records in the Record of Learning, Other Evidence tab.  HOWEVER, since the majority of courses will be taken in and will be in a user's record as Courses and not Other evidence, we need to be sure that the Completion upload does not create duplicates. 

What we found during testing is that LIL Course Completion Uploads will not recognize a course that already exists in UNLESS both the Course Short Name AND the Course ID match the information in the .CSV upload file.  The course Shortname is populated when the LIL course is imported into Totara BUT THE COURSE ID IS NOT.  

It is not viable for us to manually enter Course ID's into the courses that we will be importing into  LinkedIn told me that their CourseID is already being passed via the Content Marketplace so we have asked our Totara partner to request an enhancement to incorporate that ID into the LIL course when we import it through the Marketplace.  How do I see the status of that enhancement request and is there anything I can do to move it further up in the priority list?

Thank you very much.  Carol.

Craig Eves
Re: LinkedIn Learning Course Completion Upload
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 22 August 2022, 7:15 PM
Group Totara

Hi Carol

We do have an improvement request to improve the import of course completions TL-32475 which would cover this . partners are able to access tickets through the Community site > Partners > Issue tracker and also through the Road map for higher level features

This hasn't been prioritised for development in the near future.


Carol Papish-Putnam
Re: LinkedIn Learning Course Completion Upload
by Carol Papish-Putnam - Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 7:02 AM

Thanks, Craig.  I'm surprised that, given the LIL Content Marketplace has been requested for years, I'm surprised that Totara hasn't done everything it can to make it as useful as possible.  Oh well.
