Totara Learn Open Discussions

Feedback activity analysis

Rebecca Guy
Feedback activity analysis
by Rebecca Guy - Friday, 27 May 2022, 8:25 AM

Hi there, is there any way of adding columns to the feedback analysis. Alongside recording the users name, I would like to be able to see their organisation/position details. 

Craig Eves
Re: Feedback activity analysis
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 2 June 2022, 6:42 PM
Group Totara

Hi Rebecca

Unfortunately this report is not a report builder report so is not modifiable through the interface - custom coding would be required.

Perform does offer performance activities where question types could be setup for an audience of participants who enrolled in a course with users assigned to view responses. Question responses can be reported on  using the report manager 


Christian Greiner
Re: Feedback activity analysis
by Christian Greiner - Saturday, 16 July 2022, 2:49 AM

Dear Craig,

interesting idea to use performance activities instead of feedback activity. Can you tell me more about this idea? - I mean how do you link it to a specific course/integrate it as an activity to complete in a course?
br Christian

Craig Eves
Re: Feedback activity analysis
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 17 July 2022, 5:15 PM
Group Totara

Hi Christian

The performance activity won't be part of the course as such but you can generate a performance activity for an audience that contains an audience rule that they are enrolled in the course.

The performance activity can be closed on a due date or on completion 

There are various settings that control who can participate , respond and view responses and when the activity sections are closed 

Notifications for reminding users to complete the performance activity can also be setup

Theoretically you could have a label activity in the course that is just a link to performance activity but the problem is that the activity completion isn't linked to the performance activity completion and the link would be different for each user.
