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Transfer Record of Learning from one account to another

Transfer Record of Learning from one account to another
CotterillDevon 发表于 2022年05月31日 Tuesday 00:02

This may have already been asked but I couldnt find an answer - 

I am looking for an easy way to transfer one users completion data to another. 

I have a team member who used to work for our organisation under our Retail business arm but her account was suspended 3 months ago. She has now returned to the business under a different arm and so has been issued a different ID login, so is using a completely new account. 

Is there a way to export her completion data from her old account and import it to her new one so her current account shows all of her previous learning records? I know how to do this manually but she has over 100 modules completed currently so going through 1 by 1 will take a while. 

Thanks in advance for any help! 

Re: Transfer Record of Learning from one account to another
HarrisNathan 发表于 2022年05月31日 Tuesday 16:08

Hi Devon,

There is an Upload Completion Records option where you can upload a csv file of the course completions.

I use this option all the time to add previous completions to a new account that has been created.



Re: Transfer Record of Learning from one account to another
SeiffertSimon 发表于 2022年06月1日 Wednesday 16:24
小组 Helpful contributor 2024小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2022小组 Most helpful contributor 2023小组 TXP Site Administrator

We have this scenario come up quite often - where contracted workers may convert to be permanent employees.

We have a process setup where the Username/User IDs are basically switched between the accounts. We had a look at the Merge User Moodle Plug-in, but was warned this may cause errors, particularly with Programs and Certifications.

Our process is slightly different to how this could work for you, as the converted workers usually keep their Username, but their User ID (Payroll ID) changes - but you should be able to change the new profile to a temporary username/ID, and then update the old profile. 

This process allows the HR Sync to do it's thing still, but has the full RoL against the profile you want.