Totara Learn Open Discussions

View event attendees via category role

Harry Dixon
View event attendees via category role
بواسطة Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 10:00 AM - Harry Dixon
مجموعة Good learner 2023مجموعة Partnersمجموعة V18 Program Complete

Hi - I've made the attached role (eventmanagertest.xml) for users who need to be able to manage events for all seminars in a course category. 

I would like to apply this at category level so that we don't need to apply it to every course in the category, and so that the user does not appear in course reports. 

One permission I can't seem to give them is the ability to view attendee lists. 

The role can add/remove attendees, mark attendance, send messages to attendees, but the attendee list consistently appears as blank (see screenshot). 

It seems like if I apply this role at the course level, the relevant user can see the attendees list. 

Is there a change I can make that will let users with this role at a category level see attendee lists?


Craig Eves
Re: View event attendees via category role
بواسطة Thursday, 14 July 2022, 9:29 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Harry

I tried the role and applied at category level and didn't seem to allow me to add an attendee although all attendee permission seemed to be enabled.

I tried with the editing trainer role adding at category level and I was able to add attendees and see the attendee list so think it is possible.

There is probably a related permission that needs enabling - tried a few in the seminar area but no luck 


Harry Dixon
Re: View event attendees via category role
بواسطة Monday, 18 July 2022, 2:16 AM - Harry Dixon
مجموعة Good learner 2023مجموعة Partnersمجموعة V18 Program Complete

Hi Craig- That sounds promising. I'll compare the custom role to editing trainer and try to find which permission is causing the issue. 

Thanks for the pointer!