Totara Learn Open Discussions

Sending notifications to facilitators

Malinda Brown
Sending notifications to facilitators
بواسطة Tuesday, 11 October 2022, 11:40 AM - Malinda Brown

Good afternoon, 

I am just digging into the notification features on Totara 16. Is there a way to send notifications to a course facilitator or a chosen user other than managers or the learner? For example I would like to be able to send a notification to a trainer that a course has ben completed by a learner so they can track their training. Is there a way to set up the notifications to do this?

Craig Eves
Re: Sending notifications to facilitators
بواسطة Thursday, 13 October 2022, 5:41 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Malinda

There is a learner completed activity notification available in Totara 16 that could be added to the activity but this only has the subject and manager as the recipient

There are also some seminar notifications that include the third party and trainer recipient  but this doesn't have the activity completed event .

Ad hoc messages do not have the third party option either so the answer is No but close


Ran G
Re: Sending notifications to facilitators
بواسطة Thursday, 13 October 2022, 7:41 PM - Ran Gilboa
مجموعة Totara

Hi Malinda, Ran here from totara UX team.

As Craig mentioned there is no easy way to create the notification you asked for in our notifications system. That said, it's a new system and we are working to extend its reach and functionality to meet more customer needs.

If you could go to the Suggest Totara Learn features forum, at, post your question there, preferably with more information on this and other types of notifications you'd like to see in Learn. This will be extremely valuable to our product team when planning future improvements.

Thank you.