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Enrolment Process When a Program has a different audience-based enrolment set up to an individual course

A caucasian woman with shoulder length blonde curly hair and red lipstick
Enrolment Process When a Program has a different audience-based enrolment set up to an individual course
על ידי Kayla Palombo בתאריך 24/11/2022, 15:34

Hello all, 

I am having a huge mandatory training issue due to the way two mandatory training programs were initially set up in our system by an inexperienced staff member just trying to do the right thing.


We are currently using Totara 12 and about to upgrade to 17 next month.

What they created was 1 program named Mandatory Training which has 4 courses and has all users in the system enrolled. 

We decided to change the format and a second program named Induction Program was set up with 4 mandatory e-learning courses and a seminar session that also needs to be completed as an AND function. We only just added the seminar activity recently (as a separate course so it also has a feedback form attached) so we want it to be set for new starters only (people who started in the last six months). 

Both programs have a number of enrolled audiences: all users in the system and all staff who started in 2017 to now. 

Help Needed:

I want to now go and fix this by changing it to only 1 program of mandatory training under the Induction Program set up as listed above and delete the mandatory training program. Couple of issues:

  1. not all older staff have completed all courses in either program
  2. I don't want to lose any data of what people have done
  3. The seminar session should only register populate for people who have commenced in the last six months.

NB: we want the seminar to be mandatory at the moment but we aren't currently delivering enough to cover all new starters and are working on that. I know if I set it to six months then some people will fall out before they have attended (if it is a long wait) and some just won't attend because of the structure of our organisation.

I tried to change just the seminar settings to audience-enrolment sync for a different audience group that catches only people who commenced in a role in the previous six months. This has not worked and now staff all over the place are contacting me (my bad :() what can I do to fix this?

Craig Eves
Re: Enrolment Process When a Program has a different audience-based enrolment set up to an individual course
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 24/11/2022, 17:58
קבוצה Totara

Hi Kayla

The first step is to contact your Totara partner and explain the problem.

The good news is that any course completion and progress data will be kept unless the user is unenrolled from the course.

If there have been users enrolled by audience accidentally then this will create a course completion record . This will probably need to be deleted through the course completion editor . Also note if there are lots of records then these can be deleted in bulk but will need someone with access to the server (Partner) to do this.
