Totara Learn Open Discussions

Is anyone using the 'User Tour' feature?

Peter Bright, Digital Learning Advisor
Is anyone using the 'User Tour' feature?
by Peter Bright - Monday, 12 December 2022, 5:59 PM

Hi All,

I'm investigating options for using Web Tours to help onboard new users to Totara.

We're upgrading from v12 to v15 next year.

Is anyone using Totara's "User Tour" feature?
(I know this is listed as an experimental feature.)

See link: What is a user tour? - User tours (

Would appreciate your thoughts and experiences.

Thanks in advance.


Digital Learning Advisor, Barwon Health

Jordan Ash
Re: Is anyone using the 'User Tour' feature?
by Jordan Ash - Tuesday, 13 December 2022, 3:38 AM
Group TotaraGroup TXP Site Administrator

Hi Peter,

You might have noticed that we use user tours in a few places in the community site, such as on dashboards and course pages, so I'll share a few tips that helped me create these tours:

  • If you want to place a step somewhere that is not a block, or the middle of the page, then you can use CSS selectors to point to a specific part of the page, you can find out how to get the CSS selector on this page in the help documentation:
  • Tours can be applied to multiple pages on your site by using a % sign in the URL. The % can mean anything, so for example, if you wanted a dashboard to apply to all courses you can use the target URL  /course/view.php% rather than a specific url such as /course/view.php?id=559. Other examples of this include:
    • Any dashboard: /totara/dashboard/%
    • Users profile page: /user/profile.php%
    • Forum discussion page: /mod/forum/view.php%
  • Dashboards can be imported and exported on your site meaning you can share dashboards, or easily duplicate them to have multiple copies of a dashboard. I've created an example tour here which explains each type of block you might see on a page.