Totara Learn Open Discussions

Support of features in reports

Daniel Bond
Support of features in reports
by Daniel Bond - Friday, 13 January 2023, 6:08 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023

Trying to use the "Certification Completion" report source, but there doesn't appear to be an option to have a filter where you can select multiple certifications. "Fine, I can just tag the certifications and filter for that". Nope, can't use tags either, because that report source doesn't allow you to filter by them. "Maybe I can create a custom field for all certifications and filter on that". No, because certifications and programs don't allow you to create custom fields as far as I can see.

Which brings me to the point of this. Yes, it would be lovely if the above was resolved (in any of the ways listed), but more generally it would be useful for someone in the development team to look at standardising support for features across the relevant reports. If something supports tags, then reporting and filtering on tags should be included. Appreciate adding multichoice filtering for certifications or custom field support would be a bigger task, but hopefully adding consistent tag support across all reports where the relevant feature (course, certification, user, etc.) supports tags shouldn't be too tricky (or break compatability for people who currently use the report).

Naina Manga-Virtue
Re: Support of features in reports
by Naina Manga-Virtue - Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 1:02 PM

Hi Daniel, 
Thanks so much for raising this with us. I'm the Product Manager for Totara Learn and while we are making changes to programs at the moment (and looking at certifications in the upcoming future), reporting was not an element that was under consideration. A lot of the work that we're doing is around modernising and less around new features. 

You make a really great point about consistency in the way that we provide reporting. Not having tags used in reporting is a gap that we need to fill. I also think that as we roll out new features/functionality we need to be thinking about how/what the reporting implications are. 

I'm going to take this on board and add it to our backlog, I think we need to do some discovery/investigation work around this. I would love for you to continue to add to this thread if there's anything specific that comes up. We do read these forums and this can help us define the problem and find the right solution for you and others. Thanks!