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Hiding the preferences.php screen

Hiding the preferences.php screen
TruranPete 发表于 2023年01月17日 Tuesday 05:48
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator


After a user logs on for the first time and updates some profile details, they are directed to the preferences.php screen.

Is it possible for users to go straight to their dashboard instead of seeing this screen?


Craig Eves
Re: Hiding the preferences.php screen
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2023年01月26日 Thursday 11:01
小组 Totara

Hi Pete

What is the user login workflow you are using , are you using the self registration with approval authentication plugin where the option to select user profile information has been enabled or have you added custom fields that are required to be filled in?



Re: Hiding the preferences.php screen
TruranPete 发表于 2023年01月26日 Thursday 12:56
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator

Hi Craig,

We have added custom fields which are required.


Craig Eves
Re: Hiding the preferences.php screen
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2023年01月26日 Thursday 15:26
小组 Totara

Hi Pete

Thanks - I tried creating a profile field as required,.

There wasn't an option to in the profile field to redirect to a page and I was take to the profile page - some coding would be required to change this,


Re: Hiding the preferences.php screen
TruranPete 发表于 2023年01月29日 Sunday 11:46
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator

Hi Craig, 

For clarification, we are not trying to hide the profile page, just once the required fields have been filled in, the user is taken to a Preferences page.
This preferences page is the one that we would like to skip over, so as the user saves their profile details they are taken directly to the dashboard.


Re: Hiding the preferences.php screen
HufhamMartha 发表于 2023年05月3日 Wednesday 05:50

We have the same request.  Any possibilities other than custom programming?