Totara Learn Open Discussions

Audience membership criteria vs course completion reports

Audience membership criteria vs course completion reports
LowndesPaul 发表于 2023年02月10日 Friday 03:22
小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Dear all 

I have a question about the audience membership criteria:

User has completed all of the courses in this list:


I have added the course name and approved the rule set but the number of users in the audience is only 366 compared to 2639 when I run a course completions reports.

I have filtered the report so it only show active users.

I was expecting the number of users in the audience to match the course completions report .

Am I missing something? 

Has anyone had a similar issue with matching this audience rule set with the course completions report?



Craig Eves
Re: Audience membership criteria vs course completion reports
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2023年02月13日 Monday 17:17
小组 Totara

Hi Paul

One possible reason for the different numbers is if the user has completed the course more than once - this happens for certifications when recertifying the current course completion record is moved to historic course completions.

If you create a report using the Course completions including history report source then this should show up there.


DevelopmentTraining &
Re: Audience membership criteria vs course completion reports
DevelopmentTraining & 发表于 2023年02月15日 Wednesday 07:15

We have similar issue. Solved it by adding a filter in the report: Is user enrolled: yes/no

Although it is an additional step to make, it has improved our reports.