Totara Learn Open Discussions

Quiz Result from Articulate Storyline is not adapted to Totara Rating (Report)

Franziska Henghuber
Quiz Result from Articulate Storyline is not adapted to Totara Rating (Report)
di Franziska Henghuber - Wednesday, 29 March 2023, 04:41

Hi all, 

we do our knowledge checks with articulate storyline. Now I need to track the exact Points/percents the participants has received. When I do the report on the Quiz it always shows me: 100% completion even if I got i.e. 75%. 
Can somebody help me and show me which settings I need to change? 


Jordan Ash
Re: Quiz Result from Articulate Storyline is not adapted to Totara Rating (Report)
di Jordan Ash - Wednesday, 29 March 2023, 07:12
Gruppo TotaraGruppo TXP Site Administrator

Hi Franziska,

Can you share any information about how your quiz is set up in Articulate Storyline?

If you could share a screenshot of the results slide settings showing how much each question is worth and the passing score?

You could also check that the tracking in storyline is set up correctly. In the reporting and tracking options, make sure the tracking uses the correct results slide to track completion.