Totara Learn Open Discussions

Reminders not released anymore

Christine Barrientos
Reminders not released anymore
by Christine Barrientos - Thursday, 15 June 2023, 2:56 AM


We have discovered that reminders are not being sent out recently. It seemed to have worked before, but unexpectedly not so for a couple of months. We have not migrated to the new centralised notifications yet - in case that info is of any relevance.

The reminders are supposed to be sent automatically after attendance was marked in the seminar activity, i.e. upon course completion. We have set it to course completion (not seminar activity completion) in every of our course and it worked before.

Can you explain why the reminders are not released anymore?

Your help is much appreciated!

Kind regards


Craig Eves
Re: Reminders not released anymore
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 4 July 2023, 7:16 PM
Group Totara

Hi Christine

Are you able to check under Course administration > course completion that the seminar activity is ticked as a course completion condition

Can you also check under Course administration > Reports > Course completion that all of the course completion conditions are showing as completed for the user,

If these look Ok then check that the course notification Learner completed course is enabled.
