Totara Learn Open Discussions

Where do you start

Matt Linaker
Re: Where do you start
par Matt Linaker, Friday 16 June 2023, 03:22
Groupe Totara

Hi Diane,

Thanks for reaching out to the Totara Community!

As a starting point, what's your role in your organisation and what are you trying to achieve?

Training available

A good place to start would be to take this training course in the Academy: Totara for beginners:

Once you've taken that course you might like to dig more into specific features available to you on your platform.

To do that you could enrol in this program:

In that program you will find lots of courses that show you how to do specific things on Totara.

Let us know what you're trying to do with your system and we'll be able to point out specific training to help you.

I hope this helps as a starting point but do reach out if you need more help! There's lots of resources available for you.