Totara Learn Open Discussions

Bulk delete course completion records

Paul Lowndes
Bulk delete course completion records
von Paul Lowndes – Thursday, 29 June 2023, 3:26 AM
Gruppe Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Dear all

We have accidentally enrolled the wrong cohort on a course. What is the best way to delete completion records in bulk so they do not appear in reports and users record of learning?



Craig Eves
Re: Bulk delete course completion records
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 29 June 2023, 8:27 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Paul

There is a script that can be run that will delete all (or a time-based subset of) unstarted course completion records of users who are no longer enrolled on a given course. This script can be found at admin/cli/delete_unused_course_completions.php and can be run with a --help flag to output usage instructions.
