Totara Learn Open Discussions

Redirecting users after a login

Jonathan Jackson
Redirecting users after a login
by Jonathan Jackson - Friday, 25 August 2023, 2:41 AM

Hi All,

I was wondering if there is currently anyway to return users to their desired page after being redirected to log in? On our instance, at the moment, if a user attempts to directly access a specific area from an external link, or is timed out for inactivity, they are returned to the homepage after logging in. This means sending out direct links to courses is practically useless unless a learner is already in an active session. It also means admins or trainers who might have a single page idle for prolonged periods have to navigate back to where they were whenever they're timed out.

Is there an option we're missing somewhere, is something on our v17 instance broken or is it just how the platform is built? Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.

Larry Mitipelo
Re: Redirecting users after a login
by Larry Mitipelo - Sunday, 27 August 2023, 12:56 PM
Group Most Helpful Contributor 2021Group Most Helpful Contributor 2022Group Most helpful contributor 2023


In our instance (V12) they do go the desired page after they log in again.

I'm not aware of any settings involved.

In the past we have had times where it didn't go to the desired page and to the home page, but I can't remember what caused it.