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Question Bank / Categories, any way to tell what quizzes use a question?

Matthew Uhrich
Question Bank / Categories, any way to tell what quizzes use a question?
by Matthew Uhrich - Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 12:59 PM

We have questions that are used in multiple courses and across multiple quizzes. Is there any way for me to tell when looking at the category or the question itself where it's being used?

I am looking to clean-up some of the structure (a few of the question pools were put at the system level instead of the folder where the courses live), but don't want to break any quizzes that might use these questions.

Craig Eves
Re: Question Bank / Categories, any way to tell what quizzes use a question?
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 5:55 PM
Group Totara

Hi Matthew

I can't see a report that shows where a quiz question is being used.

Can you confirm that moving a question from one category to another breaks the quiz - I would expect the quiz would still display the question if the quiz category changes.


Matthew Uhrich
Re: Question Bank / Categories, any way to tell what quizzes use a question?
by Matthew Uhrich - Wednesday, 10 January 2024, 8:59 AM

I was worried with tenants that if the category I moved the questions to wasn't on the tenant it would run into an error and lock students out of the quiz(zes). I just did some testing and it looks like (unlike moving courses from 1 category to another) the questions still show up fine, even for users who don't have that category on their tenant. I think this is resolved for the use-case I had, but it would still be AWESOME if a report told you where questions were used, since I have to (try) to keep those records externally somehow.

Stephen Catton
Re: Question Bank / Categories, any way to tell what quizzes use a question?
by Stephen Catton - Thursday, 18 January 2024, 8:03 AM

Agreed that would be awesome. Also for us a means of producing a list of questions searching by TAGs and/or question names, from the Reports