Totara Learn Open Discussions

Imprivata Single Sign On with v18

Daniel Bond
Imprivata Single Sign On with v18
by Daniel Bond - Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 7:58 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023

We very recently upgraded to v18, and therefore got the new login screen. Our organisation has the Imprivata OneSign application which stores login credentials for sites and applications which we use. Previously, the application would automatically insert the username and password into Totara on the login page (using the OneSign plugin in the browser), and automatically log in. Now, it's injecting the same (correct) details, but Totara is rejecting them. If you type the login details in manually, or use the Chrome Password Manager, all works fine, and both our IT and Totara Partner seem stumped (and are suggesting it should be resolved by the other!)

Has anyone else encountered this (or similar with another Single Sign On application)?

Daniel Bond
Re: Imprivata Single Sign On with v18
by Daniel Bond - Thursday, 23 May 2024, 5:19 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023

Replying to myself in case anyone stumbles across this issue in future (or if Totara want to do a bit of work on identifying why it happened):

Our single sign on solution has two mechanisms to enter credentials:

  1. Using the Windows OS to enter it directly

  2. Simulating the keyboard typing the credentials in

The new Totara login screen broke the first method so they switched to the second, and that seems to have resolved it. You now see the username and password being "typed" in (with the password still safely obfuscated) and it then submits the form and logs in, so it looks a bit retro but seems to work well enough.