Totara Learn Open Discussions

Resetting My Learning Dashboard as Default page - turning of/on default option feature?

Fiona Bowen
Resetting My Learning Dashboard as Default page - turning of/on default option feature?
de Fiona Bowen - Monday, 3 de June de 2024, 15:39

Hi all, I've created a new test Dashboard that I've linked to a test audience. I've turned off the ability for staff to customise it, and figured out how to hide the Admin block 'on this page' so users cannot make this page their default dashboard - doing this turns off the auto red message which appears in the Admin block which says 'Make Dashboard my default page'

However, a colleague with Site Admin who was helping to test this new draft dashboard, did make the new test page her default page (before I'd figured out how to hide this option), and now that she's chosen this, she can't find an option to reset her own Learning page to become her default Dashboard again. Her Admin block is visible on her own Learning dashboard, but it isn't showing the option of 'make dashboard my default page'.

What do you need to select in the back end to ensure this line/toggle option to make the dashboard the default page is available on the Dashboards that you've allowed to see the Admin block?

FYI - our Site Navigation settings have:

  • Site Totara Dashboard as the default for the home page,

  • Allow default page selection is set to Yes, to allow users to select their default page (homepage or their Dashboard)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Resetting My Learning Dashboard as Default page - turning of/on default option feature?
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 25 de June de 2024, 18:41
Grupo Totara

Hi Fiona

There is a ticket to fix this TL-37349 . In the meantime can you add /?redirect=0 to the url and then select the actual home page as the user’s home page from the admin block.
