Totara Learn Open Discussions

Drop-down quiz setup in V13

Priya Gopieswaran
Drop-down quiz setup in V13
de Priya Gopieswaran - Wednesday, 5 de June de 2024, 21:52


I have a question on how to set up different drop-down options under one questions.

  • Subset question 1 with drop-down option A, B, C D

  • Subset question 2 with drop-down option 1,2,3,4

Is there an option in Totara v13 or v18 (as we moving to v18 in September) to set up question like this.

Any comments would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Daniel Bond
Re: Drop-down quiz setup in V13
de Daniel Bond - Thursday, 6 de June de 2024, 00:48
Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023

Your best bet is likely to be cloze ( The Moodle help ( is a bit more comprehensive if you want examples, etc.

Should work in any version of Totara (because it was a Moodle feature originally).

Liam Tanner
Re: Drop-down quiz setup in V13
de Liam Tanner - Thursday, 6 de June de 2024, 02:47
Grupo Totara

Hi Daniel, we recently improved our Cloze documentation to include examples and guidance on formatting:

Please let me know if you have any additional feedback, as we're always looking to improve our documentation.

Liam Tanner
Re: Drop-down quiz setup in V13
de Liam Tanner - Thursday, 6 de June de 2024, 02:44
Grupo Totara

Hi Priya, we actually recently improved our Cloze documentation for the latest version to include examples of how to format each subquestion:

For your example you would need to include two multichoice subquestions in your Cloze question, e.g.:

Question 1 {1:MULTICHOICE:A~=B~C~D}

Question 2 {1:MULTICHOICE:1~2~3~=4}

Note that the = sign determines the correct number, and the number at the start of the curly braces sets the weighting of the subquestion.

Please let me know if you have any additional feedback on our documentation and we can try to improve the examples to make them clearer.

Priya Gopieswaran
Re: Drop-down quiz setup in V13
de Priya Gopieswaran - Thursday, 6 de June de 2024, 14:08

Hi Liam,

Thank you for your quick response and it worked as expected. New activity learned today.
