Totara Learn Open Discussions

Duplicating Program

Amelia Barwell
Duplicating Program
by Amelia Barwell - Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 4:15 AM

I'm using Think Learning, can't find a forum specifically for Think, if there's one then please direct me!

I'm trying to find a way to duplicate and then rename a program that has been set up on the system (by someone who has left the company) and all I'm seeing is the option to move the components of the program to somewhere else (which I don't want).


Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Duplicating Program
by Rachel Griffith-Boyes - Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 6:33 AM
Group Totara

Hi Amelia - welcome to the Community! Do you know which version of Totara you are using? If you're using version 18, you can clone a program - there's some information on how to do that in our Help documentation here. You can also see this in action in our video on creating a program from our Programs and certifications course.

Hope that helps!

Rachel (Totara)

Amelia Barwell
Re: Duplicating Program
by Amelia Barwell - Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 8:14 AM

Hi Rachel,

Thanks for the reply, I initially got the help document answer when I looked this up but I don't seem to have this option.

The version stated under the system information is 16.23. Is there an update we're missing?

If there isn't an update that's missing then is it possible to clone a program without having version 18?

Thank you 🙂

Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Duplicating Program
by Rachel Griffith-Boyes - Thursday, 13 June 2024, 1:11 AM
Group Totara

Hi Amelia,

I don't think it's possible to clone a program in earlier versions I'm afraid. If this is a significant requirement for you it might be worth having a chat with your Totara Partner.

In case it's useful, there's a page in our Help docs which compares Totara versions so you can see what's available in each version.

Do let us know if you have any further questions!