Totara Learn Open Discussions

Mobile app: a course completed cannot be revisited

Matteo Tarantino
Mobile app: a course completed cannot be revisited
by Matteo Tarantino - Friday, 14 June 2024, 12:51 AM

Dear community,

I experienced this annoying feature in mobile app: our users would like to enter again in completed courses, when they need to refresh their knowledge about any topic.

From desktop this is possible but not from mobile app, I’m attaching a picture.

Is there a way to remove this setting and let any user to freely access unlimited times a content he had already done?

Thank you,


Craig Eves
Re: Mobile app: a course completed cannot be revisited
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 16 June 2024, 4:38 PM
Group Totara

Hi Matteo

The mobile app currently only shows current learning. It is possible to reset course completions for all or individual users which would move the completion record to history and reset the activities so they can be accessed again. Would this work for you?

if not then can you add an idea for this ?


Matteo Tarantino
Re: Mobile app: a course completed cannot be revisited
by Matteo Tarantino - Monday, 17 June 2024, 12:11 AM

Hi Craig,

Many thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately no, this wouldn't solve. It means that, at the second completion we'd have again the issue.
What I'm referring to, is some knowledge base or self study material in SCORM format which the learner must be able to access as many times as he wants.
But the completion is needed for me to track at least the first access, so that I can know how many single users are referring to that material and then give them the chance to access it every time they want.

I'm gonna add an idea as you recommended, hoping that this will be accepted an solved.

Thank you