Best practice forum (Archived)

Upcoming Webinar Series

? ?
Upcoming Webinar Series
von ? ? – Wednesday, 15 July 2015, 4:25 PM

Hi everyone,

By request, we are offering weekly topic sessions in 30 minutes or less! We will cover a variety of topics for Site Administrators, Course Creators, and Editing Trainers. Each session will be recorded and the videos will be posted on the Academy site as well as being available through Youtube.

The first round will be scheduled on Tuesdays at 9AM Pacific US. You can register by clicking here:

There is a single link for the recurring sessions, feel free to just drop in on those that interest you. These sessions are open to Partners and Subscribers.

 If there is interest in coverage of additional topics and  time zones, please reply below with the time zone(s) you'd like to see. If we see many requests for particular areas, we can add additional sessions to the schedule. 



July 21, 2015 Dashboards
July 28, 2015 Main Menu
August 4, 2015  Themes
August 11, 2015 User Account Management
August 18, 2015 Defining Roles and Permissions
August 25, 2015 Audiences
September 1, 2015 Organization Hierarchies
September 8, 2015 Position Hierarchies
September 15, 2015 Competencies
September 22, 2015 Course Creation and Settings
September 29, 2015 Course Activities
October 6, 2015 Face-to-face Activity
October 13, 2015 Quizzes and Question Banks
October 20, 2015 Completion Settings
October 27, 2015 Gradebook
November 3, 2015 Learning Plans
November 10, 2015 Programs and Certifications
November 17, 2015 Methods of Enrollment
November 3, 2015 Plugins
November 10, 2015 Report builder
November 17, 2015 HR Import
November 24, 2015 Badges


Steph Wild
Re: Upcoming Webinar Series
von Steph Wild – Thursday, 16 July 2015, 1:18 AM
Gruppe Learn Site Administrator

Hi Lori,

Fantastic, really looking forward to these which I'm going to sit and watch with my team on YouTube.

Just want to check that you'll just keep adding them and not replacing them each week as we can't start watching until mid-August.

Sorry, probably a daft question but...

Best wishes

? ?
Re: Upcoming Webinar Series
von ? ? – Thursday, 16 July 2015, 8:19 AM

Good question! I'll be creating a Youtube playlist after the first session and sharing the link to make it easy to access all of the recordings.
