Best practice forum (Archived)

Sync File - New User Email

Sync File - New User Email
?? 发表于 2015年09月16日 Wednesday 02:29

I've searched the forums and web and can't find any answer.  I've had some new users forward an email that they received from the system which seems to be sent when their account was created.  In that email it has a temporary password and instructs them that they will need to change this.  

We have ldap authentication so they don't actually need to change their password.  Where is this email so it can be changed, or better yet can I just turn it off?

Re: Sync File - New User Email
AngusGeorge 发表于 2015年09月16日 Wednesday 21:43
小组 Totara

Hi Andy,

We would need to see ldap auth settings screenshots & a description of how you create/update the user accounts to get to the bottom of this.





Re: Sync File - New User Email
?? 发表于 2015年10月11日 Sunday 21:41

Hi - just come across your post and want to share our process not sure if you have figure out already. :)

We use saml authentication and therefore use don't actually need to change their password too. What we did:

1. include auth column in user.csv file, for our case we use "saml" under that user account authorisation column indicating the user will be logging in via saml
2. include a password column with empty password

It works for us and user did not receive the welcome email at sync time.

I believe the mail is actually in language string under Site Admin > Language > Language Customisation. Try

Component: Core
String: newusernewpasswordtext

We're on 2.6.

Re: Sync File - New User Email
?? 发表于 2015年10月12日 Monday 00:45

Thank you Mei Chan.  We are using Totara Sync which has the auth col.  It only appears a few users are receiving the welcome email with the link to change password.  I think what is happening is these users accessed the system before the sync file ran and created a user account so it was created via the ldap auth and allowed them to log in and created an account which triggers the email.

At the moment the sync file is uploaded manually (but v soon it will be automatically run so should stop the issue.

Thank you for your advice though.
