Best practice forum (Archived)

Adjusting number of records in "recent learning"

Tim Newham
Adjusting number of records in "recent learning"
بواسطة Friday, 9 October 2015, 2:08 AM - Tim Newham
مجموعة Partners

Hi, a simple/dim question probably but: how do we set the number of records that show in the "recent learning" block that we can add to dashboards? we can't see anywhere obvious in configuration or code.





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Re: Adjusting number of records in "recent learning"
بواسطة Thursday, 15 October 2015, 2:41 PM - ? ?

I looked in code and elsewhere for global settings for this block and I don't see this as being configurable. In looking at the query that is used to get the records for this block, it appears that a simple "LIMIT" on the query could limit the number of courses that this block displays. That of course would be a custom coding change. The query currently appears to sort the courses by most recently enrolled courses, so only adding/using LIMIT in the query may or may not produce the expected results you are wanting.

I would recommend an enhancement request on this one which implements some configurable settings for this block allowing you to set a max number of records to display.

Re: Adjusting number of records in "recent learning"
بواسطة Sunday, 21 February 2016, 3:00 PM - George Angus
مجموعة Totara

Hi folks,

I've created a Feature Request for this functionality - TL-8436. I've also posted in the Suggest Features Forum. We will let you know the outcome of our review process in due course.

