Best practice forum (Archived)

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Thursday 22 September 2016, 10:08
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Simon Coggins
Re: Access to Totara 9 RC1
par Simon Coggins, Thursday 22 September 2016, 15:25
Groupe Totara

Because the Release Candidate is not a fully supported, production ready release we have distributed it to Partners only at this stage, to give them an opportunity to access the release and prepare for any upgrades or modifications to customisations that they need to do. Subscribers that receive updates via a partner can talk to their partner about getting a preview of the release. Direct subscribers will need to wait one more month for the full release.

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Friday 23 September 2016, 06:29
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Ce message du forum a été supprimé
Thursday 3 November 2016, 11:32
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Re: Access to Totara 9 RC1
par George Angus, Thursday 3 November 2016, 13:10
Groupe Totara

Hi Stan,

I believe once the Partner contractual details are finalised the code will be made available. Lars Hyland ( is dealing with this and he will be in touch.



Jason Miller
Re: Access to Totara 9 RC1
par Jason Miller, Friday 23 September 2016, 06:42
Groupe Partners

Simon, as a Totara Partner, how will the RC be distributed to us?  I do not believe we have received.  

Thank you and hope all is well!  

Re: Access to Totara 9 RC1
par George Angus, Sunday 25 September 2016, 14:32
Groupe Totara

Hi Jason,

Can you contact your colleague John Lawson?

