Best practice forum (Archived)
Face to face message user
Hi Mei Chan,
This kind of tracking isnt in the plan, but - I could submit a feature request to have in included :)
In the long-term we are looking at overhauling the messaging functionality within Totara to enable a comprehensive reporting suite, but this wouldnt necessarily delay what you are suggesting. If you would like me to submit a request let me know.
Hi George/Mei Chan
I think this would be a really useful functionality. In our NHS Trust we are always being asked if we can track/report on the messages that the system has sent out, to ensure that staff have actually be sent things like reminders or extra information regarding a course, or when a cancellation message was sent out, or even a wait-listing message, so we if this is the sort of tracking of messages you're meaning then we would definitely support this.
Hi Guys,
I've submitted a feature request TL-9828, and created a post in the Suggest Features Forum, for visibility & comment. We will let you know the outcome of our review in due course.