Best practice forum (Archived)

Restricting Messaging Function for a user

Restricting Messaging Function for a user
?? 发表于 2014年11月3日 Monday 10:48

Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to disable the messaging in the main navigation block under the Users drop down. I've defined a custom role based on the Learner role and Set the Prevent permission on both Read all messages on site and Send messages to any user but a user assigned that role can still view and send messages. I assigned the role at the system and course level but it didn't seem to work.

Thoughts anyone?


Re: Restricting Messaging Function for a user
?? 发表于 2014年11月5日 Wednesday 11:21

Hi Joe,

To disable sending messages, you'll need to do so for the Authenticated User role that applies to everyone who logs into the site. 

If you want to fully disable messaging, you can do so under Site Administration > Advanced Features > and uncheck "Enable messaging system". Note that this would also impact the Totara notifications and alerts. 


Re: Restricting Messaging Function for a user
?? 发表于 2014年11月6日 Thursday 07:46

I have seen a fair amount of dissatisfaction with the navigation block, and in many cases for corporate that block is just removed. 

If you plan on using/depending-on the Totara notifications and alerts at all, I do not recommend disabling "enable messaging system" as per Lori's comments.

Re: Restricting Messaging Function for a user
?? 发表于 2014年11月6日 Thursday 08:06

Thanks, Lori!  While the disable permissions approach does prevent that functionality, it still allows a user to see the course roster and learner details.  

I think our approach will be to 'upgrade' the navigation block to remove the participants access as well as the profile links.