Best practice forum (Archived)

Seminar activity ads event to trainer calendar.

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Seminar activity ads event to trainer calendar.
von Nate Marshall – Tuesday, 18 July 2017, 2:02 PM

Hi Folks, 

Back again with a question. 

We have many courses that have a few people that take responsibility for setting dates and manually adding people to seminar events. 

What we have found that is odd is that if an editor adds a new event they will have it forced to their personal calendar. they dont see event details because they aren't actually signed up nor are they necessarily enrolled. however they cannot remove it from their calendar either. The only way for them to do that is to enroll in the course and then un-enroll. or sign up, remove themselves from the list then un-enroll. 

Re: Seminar activity ads event to trainer calendar.
von George Angus – Tuesday, 18 July 2017, 6:23 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Nate,

I've created an Improvement request TL-15050 to make the calendar entry optional.



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Re: Seminar activity ads event to trainer calendar.
von Nate Marshall – Wednesday, 19 July 2017, 6:36 AM

Awesome, I realize its sort of an edge case and there are other workarounds but that would be handy none the less. 

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Re: Seminar activity ads event to trainer calendar.
von Nate Marshall – Wednesday, 19 July 2017, 6:36 AM

Our current setup doesn't show the event on course or site because we have hundreds of events with optional dates. When we use that it shows the dates fro everyone enrolled in the courses. So even if they chose one of 3 options the other 2 show up. 

We want to try and keep the calendars as clear of extra things as possible. That is the perfect option otherwise. Our users are new to the site and not quite savvy enough to understand toggling the hide or show of the 4 different calendar options. 

Thanks for the assist though. I would much rather be using the site the way its intended but client requirements and needs come first :)