Best practice forum (Archived)

Face-to-face Registration Deadline?

Face-to-face Registration Deadline?
?? 发表于 2012年06月21日 Thursday 15:11

Is there any way to set a deadline for allowing learners to sign-up for a face-to-face session?  I'm looking for a solution similar to how this is possible at the course level by via the "Course Enrollable" setting of adding a Date Range...

For example, within a single course we would like to allow learners to select one of several different face-to-face offerings on different dates.  A pre-work activity would need to be assigned a minimum of one week prior to each face-to-face session's start date, therefore we would like to set a cutoff date to give them enough time to complete the activity.  

If this is not possible, would our only other option be to manually hide each session as it's "deadline" date approaches?

Many thanks!
- John 

Re: Face-to-face Registration Deadline?
CogginsSimon 发表于 2012年07月1日 Sunday 18:42
小组 Totara

Hi John,

I'm afraid this functionality is not currently supported by the face-to-face module.


Re: Face-to-face Registration Deadline?
MaenhoutWouter 发表于 2012年07月6日 Friday 01:32
小组 Partners

Hi Simon,

We would also require this possibility. Any ideas on how to implement this?

Kind regards,


Re: Face-to-face Registration Deadline?
CogginsSimon 发表于 2012年07月17日 Tuesday 13:47
小组 Totara

Alastair (who is a core totara developer but also the face-to-face maintainer) has recently received an offer of a patch that sounds like it might meet your need:

We created two enhancements to Face-to-face that I'm going to have my developer send
to you as patches. One adds an options that allows you to suspend auto-enrollments
from the waitlist within X days of an event. The other allows you to select X number
of days prior to an event to suspend regular registrations.

We'll post it here when they send it through and investigate what would be involved in integrating it.


Chris Myatt
Re: Face-to-face Registration Deadline?
MyattChris 发表于 2012年07月18日 Wednesday 14:55

Can we get this one as well? There are also several others in our user group that would like this.


Re: Face-to-face Registration Deadline?
CogginsSimon 发表于 2012年07月18日 Wednesday 17:07
小组 Totara

We'll post it to this forum post when they send it through.

Eventually it should make it's way into the module as part of the release.
