Best practice forum (Archived)

preventing learner amendments to learning plan

John Roughley
preventing learner amendments to learning plan
de John Roughley - Wednesday, 8 de June de 2011, 02:56

I want my managers to be the only ones who can amend learning plans, at the moment a Learner can log-in and add/remove courses and competencies from the plan. How can I prevent this? I've had a look at the role and cant see which capability to change.


John Roughley
update: preventing learner amendments to learning plan
de John Roughley - Wednesday, 8 de June de 2011, 05:12
I've been in the workflow and create, update and delete is set to deny in the plan permissions.
Esta publicación en el foro ha sido eliminada.
Wednesday, 8 de June de 2011, 08:22
El contenido de esta publicación del foro se ha eliminado y ya no se puede acceder a él.
John Roughley
Re: update: preventing learner amendments to learning plan
de John Roughley - Wednesday, 8 de June de 2011, 08:38
In the courses competencies and objectives, the learner permissions for update is set to request all the others are set to deny, manager is set to allow/approve.
Simon Coggins
Re: update: preventing learner amendments to learning plan
de Simon Coggins - Wednesday, 8 de June de 2011, 12:31
Grupo Totara

It's the update permission that you need to set to deny (under the courses tab if you don't want them adding courses) - 'update' is the permission check that controls if the user can add or remove items. There is a separate permission for each component (courses, competencies, objectives)
