Best practice forum (Archived)


John Roughley
de John Roughley - Monday, 13 de June de 2011, 09:56

I've created a number of competencies and assigned them to the different positions in totara.

What would be the best way for the learner to see these when they login?

Do they need to be part of a Learning Plan?



Craig Eves
Re: competencies
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 13 de June de 2011, 14:09
Grupo Totara

Hi John

Yes thats right - competencies for positions should be added to a learning plan to be able to be accessed by the individual irrespective of their role.

The assigning of the competencies to learning plan can be automatically done through

Site Administration > Learning Plans > Manage templates > Workflow > Custom workflow > Advanced workflow settings > Competencies> Automatic Assignment > automatically assign by position.

There are quite a few additional settings that can also be set here for competencies such as requiring a due date for the competency.
