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Grader Report Display problem - IE 8

Kathy Dick
Grader Report Display problem - IE 8
על ידי Kathy Dick בתאריך 13/09/2011, 14:56

The far left column is out of sync with the associated rows in the grader report in IE 8 (I'm on Windows 7). I'm attaching a screenshot to show you what I mean. The result is that sometimes there is a grade that looks like it's on the same row as the learner name, but it's actually the grade of the learner above.

In Firefox, this isn't an issue. I'll attach the Firefox screenshot in a reply to this post.

Kathy Dick
Re: Grader Report Display problem - IE 8
על ידי Kathy Dick בתאריך 13/09/2011, 14:57
This is what the same portion of the report looks like in Firefox

Craig Eves
Re: Grader Report Display problem - IE 8
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 13/09/2011, 16:13
קבוצה Totara

Hi Kathy

I tried in IE 8 using the demo site and the rows lined up alright seee below (the columns aren't quite right though). This was the same as what they looked like in Firefox IE 8.

Grader report

What version of Totara are you using - (Site Administration > Notifications) this may have been fixed in a newer version


Kathy Dick
Re: Grader Report Display problem - IE 8
על ידי Kathy Dick בתאריך 13/09/2011, 16:16

Hi Craig,

We're using last week's build: 1.0.23.

Craig Eves
Re: Grader Report Display problem - IE 8
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 13/09/2011, 18:07
קבוצה Totara

Thanks Kathy - thats a newer version than the demo site so my theory is not right.

There does look to be some differences in the report - your grader report doesn't have a profile picture so this could have something to do with the misalignment.

Thanks for making us aware of this so it can be remedied.

Kathy Dick
Re: Grader Report Display problem - IE 8
על ידי Kathy Dick בתאריך 14/09/2011, 08:44

Thanks for the response, Craig. I'm guessing that there will be many cases where profile pictures are not used, so if that's the reason, it would be great to have that fixed.


Simon Coggins
Re: Grader Report Display problem - IE 8
על ידי Simon Coggins בתאריך 17/09/2011, 02:05
קבוצה Totara

Hi Kathy,

That's a weird bug - I've created a ticket and we'll take a look. Can I ask what theme you are using, and do you still have the issue if you switch to a different theme?


Kathy Dick
Re: Grader Report Display problem - IE 8
על ידי Kathy Dick בתאריך 19/09/2011, 09:20

Hi Simon,

We're using a custom theme. But if I switch to the Totara theme, I have the same issue. Some of the other themes look like they might line up the rows better, though. Here's what the top of the report looks like when I switch to the Totara theme - the same as our custom theme.


פרסום זה הוסר
21/09/2011, 21:04
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Kathy Dick
Re: Grader Report Display problem - IE 8
על ידי Kathy Dick בתאריך 27/09/2011, 09:10

Hi Alastair. I've created a screenshot of the left side of the report - it scrolls to the right as well, but I didn't think seeing that was important.

I haven't specified any particular settings - this is just the Moodle Grader report.

פרסום זה הוסר
3/10/2011, 20:15
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