Best practice forum (Archived)

Disable display of timezone in "Face-to-face sessions" report source

Daniel Bond
Disable display of timezone in "Face-to-face sessions" report source
by Daniel Bond - Wednesday, 11 June 2014, 2:41 AM
Group Helpful contributor 2024Group Most helpful contributor 2023

Would it be possible for timezone to only be displayed in the "Face-to-face sessions" report source if the "Display session timezones" option is ticked in the Face-to-Face site admin options? I know it's only a small thing, but it would seem to make sense for the admin option to affect the report source as well as the activity itself.



Re: Disable display of timezone in "Face-to-face sessions" report source
by George Angus - Wednesday, 11 June 2014, 4:11 PM
Group Totara

Hi Dan,

Ive put in an enhancement request.

