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Face to face sessions

? ?
Face to face sessions
di ? ? - Thursday, 1 March 2012, 02:01


This may be a stupid question but why does our Totara not have fields for Location, Room and Venue on face-to-face sessions, when other people clearly do and the help documentation describes them as General settings? Do we have to add these as Custom fields?

Many thanks,

? ?
Re: Face to face sessions
di ? ? - Thursday, 1 March 2012, 02:26

Hi Haroon,

Not sure why that is, they should be default. Perhaps they have been turned off in Site Administration > Plugins > Face to face ?


? ?
Re: Face to face sessions
di ? ? - Thursday, 1 March 2012, 03:26

I have checked in Site Administration > Plugins > Activities > Face-to-face and there are no visible settings in here for options to turn them off or on, in fact it doesn't show them at all.


? ?
Re: Face to face sessions
di ? ? - Thursday, 1 March 2012, 13:36

Hi Haroon,

Well spotted - I've checked the code and while these three custom fields are added during an upgrade from old versions of Totara, they are not added by default in a fresh install! I've filed a bug for this and we'll try and get a fix out in the next release.

However in the interim you can go to Site Administration -> Plugins -> Activities -> Face-to-Face and add the three custom fields. The important bit is that the shortname for each should be 'location', 'venue' and 'room' (all lower case).

Paul Smart
Re: Face to face sessions
di Paul Smart - Friday, 2 March 2012, 05:16

I solved this problem by altering the default emails to exclude those fields.

If I'd thought it was a bug I'd have raised a support request ;-)

? ?
Re: Face to face sessions
di ? ? - Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 14:04

Hi folks,

Today's releases of versions 1.0.34 and 1.1.13 contain a fix where these three custom fields will now be created on a fresh install. However for existing installations you will still have to add the fields manually.


Craig Eves
Re: Face to face sessions
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 1 March 2012, 14:03
Gruppo Totara

As an aside the problem with not having the custom fields defined is because the custom fields are included in some of the default messages eg [session:location] 

You can add other custom fields to a session for example instructor name and include this in a message by adding  [session:instructor name] to the message.