Best practice forum (Archived)

Adding New Users - Totara Sync vs. Manual entry

AJ Ackerman
Adding New Users - Totara Sync vs. Manual entry
by AJ Ackerman - Wednesday, 16 April 2014, 8:58 PM


I have been experiencing a number of problems loading new users into our system using Totara Sync. While waiting to have these resolved, I have been adding individuals manually using the 'Add New Users' feature.

I have now resolved the issues and are able to add new users using Totara sync however, those individuals who I have added manually are creating errors in the sync process (I am having to delete them from the CSV file in order to complete the sync).

Each user who has been added manually has had the "Totara sync" option ticked in their profile.

Can anyone shed some light as to where I am going wrong? Those users who have been added manually do not have IDnumbers in their profiles (different to Usernames as IDnumbers are a greyed-out field and can only be entered when using Totara sync).


Ciaran Irvine (Core Developer)
Re: Adding New Users - Totara Sync vs. Manual entry
by Ciaran Irvine (Core Developer) - Monday, 21 April 2014, 5:01 PM

Hi AJ,

Sync uses the IDnumber field to match users in the CSV with users in the database. So the manually-added users will need an IDnumber that matches the IDnumber in the Sync CSV file. Otherwise Sync may attempt to add the username again, which will fail.

A user needs the totara/core:updateuseridnumber capability in the system context to edit idnumbers in user profiles so you may need to get an admin to fix the manually-created accounts.

AJ Ackerman
Re: Adding New Users - Totara Sync vs. Manual entry
by AJ Ackerman - Wednesday, 23 April 2014, 11:52 PM

Hi Ciaran,

Thank-you for getting back to me. I have contacted our providers with your suggestion and will see what they can do.

