Best practice forum (Archived)

face to face completion settings

Craig Eves
Re: face to face completion settings
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 18 de June de 2012, 16:30
Grupo Totara

Hi Walter

I think you can change the passing grade for the face to face activity as below so the activity is not marked as completed unless they receive a passing grade that you have defined.

Austen may also add to this as I think they have extended this.

Require Grade

When Require grade is enabled the learner must receive a grade for the activity to be marked complete.

You can use the course gradebook to set the passing grade for the activity. When no passing grade has been set up the activity will be marked as complete when the learner receives any grade.

Distinguishing between passing and failing grades

It is possible to set up an activity to allow the learner to see 'completed, passed' or 'completed, fail' instead of the standard 'completed'. These results show a different icon and alternative text.

Setting a passing grade on an activity:

  1. Click Grades on the 'Course Admin' block to open the course gradebook
  2. Select Simple view under 'Categories and Items' from the 'Choose an action...' dropdown menu.
  3. Click the Edit button next to the grade item for the activity you wish to set the passing grade for
  4. Click Show advanced
  5. Set the passing grade value in the 'Grade to pass' field.
  6. Click Save changes.

Once the 'grade to pass' is set the learner will achieve either a 'complete, pass' or a 'complete, fail' when they complete the activity.

Note: to enable the learner to see 'complete, pass' or 'complete fail' the grades for the activity need to be set to 'immediately visible'. The learner will only see 'completed' otherwise.