Best practice forum (Archived)

Issues about management

Jinchao Jiang
Issues about management
de Jinchao Jiang - Monday, 18 de June de 2012, 19:57


One of our clients here in China is planning to implement a course which is delivered to over 10,000 learners in their community university with their learning platform (LMS). There are over 100 learning facilitators helping the learners with their study of this course. Now we allocate averagely 100 learners to each facilitator.

They have designed standard learning activities in the course, which basically each facilitator would follow to use and guide the learning. But here they have a practical problem for us and want our opinions. How should they manage it with the LMS when facilitator offers personalized instructional activities to learners? Since the facilitators might adjust the learning events to different performance and needs of the learners.

We know that the England team has experience with Open University using Moodle. We would love to hear your experience and advices on this problem.

More specifically,

1、 How to record and manage facilitators activities with a LMS when they deploy different learning events or programs to learners?

2、 How to manage such a huge number of learners enrolling in one course?

3、 What kind of facilitating or teaching methods do you suggest the facilitators to use or consider?

We will appreciate it a lot if you could provide your experience and advices.


Craig Eves
Re: Issues about management
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 18 de June de 2012, 20:39
Grupo Totara

Hi Jinchao

Some ideas that might help manage this.

Create groups in the course to place the 100 users in with their facilitator - use the separate groups setting so one group can't see the other.

Use forum activities or other interactive activities to support the learning resources - (keep the numbering system of resources and forum discussions) use separate groups here too.

Have a course area where facilitators can share resources and discuss issues with the course.

Enrolments could be done through csv import including the group id if this is known in advance or otherwise use self enrolment to minimise administration.

Use assignments for uploads and use groups here to so marker allocation is easier.

Use quizzes if possible to automate marking with a question bank that facilitators can contribute to and randomise questions to prevent copying of questions.

Hope this gets you started.
