Best practice forum (Archived)
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Hi James,
For the first point, are you saying that some users receive alerts but others don't? That does seem strange. Are you seeing any errors in your server error log, or if you make an assignment then manually run the cron via [site]/admin/cron.php?
There isn't currently a way to override the sender via the interface. I would agree that if signing up to a program, it doesn't really make sense for the email to come from their manager though (in other cases, such as comments on a plan it is more sensible). We'll look at updating the code as you suggest.
There is a setting in the code that determines how long alerts are kept before they are dismissed - currently its set to 30 days but you can change it in totara/message/cron.php (in 2.2) or local/totara_msg/cron.php in (1.0 or 1.1).
For issues like this the community site is good as sometimes the answers can help others too. If you have an issue that you want to discuss privately then you might prefer direct communication via the support site.
Hi James,
Very strange. You might want to try upgrading to the latest 1.1 release as there have been fixes to program management since 1.1.14, but I can't think of any bugs we've fixed recently that have that particular symptom.
Without any specific errors it's quite difficult to diagnose though - I think the only way forward is if you can send us a copy of the database and tell us an example of a program that is showing this issue.
We could then look in the database tables and see if we can see what's going on.
Do you have an account at If so you can open a ticket and securely upload files to it.
The program cron is in local/program/cron.php.
Some resource intensive activities only run hourly or daily but that restriction can be changed by modifying these lines:
$hourlycron = 60 * 60; // one hour
$dailycron = 60 * 60 * 24; // one day
if you set them to zero the cron will run every time.
However, I don't think this would be the cause of your problems, because some messages are being sent - it seems more likely that an error is occuring part way through the sending, so some users get their messages but others don't.
Not sure why no errors are showing up though - do you have debugging turned on?