Best practice forum (Archived)

Will there be a TotaraLMS 2.3 release?

? ?
Will there be a TotaraLMS 2.3 release?
von ? ? – Thursday, 18 October 2012, 9:25 AM

Is there going to be a TotaraLMS based on Moodle 2.3? There have been hints to it throughout the forums, however it seems plans for a 2.3 release have been dropped and TotaraLMS will go directly from 2.2 to 2.4.

I believe this matter is settled per the Road Map but I wanted to be sure, as this affects clients that wish to migrate a Moodle 2.3 site to Totara. If there is no plan for a 2.3 release then Moodle 2.3 migrations to Totara must wait for the 2.4 release, and I just want to make sure I have the correct information.


? ?
Re: Will there be a TotaraLMS 2.3 release?
von ? ? – Thursday, 18 October 2012, 9:51 AM

Thanks for your question. We will be skipping the Totara 2.3 release as per the Roadmap. Our reasoning for the decision is to maximize our development efforts on additional new Totara features that will be included in the 2.4 release. Additionally, doing a Totara 2.3 release would be too many major releases in a short time frame.

Please feel free to reach out with additional questions.

