Best practice forum (Archived)

Survey Monkey

? ?
Survey Monkey
by ? ? - Friday, 15 February 2013, 6:31 AM

Hi All,

I am currently investigating the possibility of adding a link to a 'Survey Monkey' after a learner has completed an e-Learning module.

Is this possible and how would you be able to report on this?.

I understand we would be able to create an e-Learning course page and upload the relevant SCORM package and we do have the options to add a resource (link to a website) in the activities section.

There is the 'Survey' option within the LMS but I understand this is linked to the course and learner experience, but I would like to create something like a check list with around 20 questions, with the options for a learner to select the following responses:  Yes / No / N/A or If No why (with a comments box).  This would be similar to a check list but we would need to run reports to see the status of each question asked.

Does anyone have any ideas on what would be the best way to support this?

We are currently going through an upgrade onto 2.2.14.

Many Thanks for any help you may be able to offer.


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? ?
Re: Survey Monkey
by ? ? - Tuesday, 19 February 2013, 12:56 AM

Hi Amir,

This sounds great, Kathie has also mentioned the Feedback functionality.

I am going to look into this.

Many Thanks


Kathie Robeson
Re: Survey Monkey
by Kathie Robeson - Friday, 15 February 2013, 5:40 PM

Hi Michelle,

I like both the Feedback activity and the Questionnaire module.  I typically disable the Survey module because it is commonly unused outside of academic settings.  Hope this helps.  Kathie

? ?
Re: Survey Monkey
by ? ? - Tuesday, 19 February 2013, 12:54 AM

Hi Kathie,

This sounds great - I will have a look at these.  I am liking the sounds onf the Feedback model.

Many Thanks



Austen Sinclair
Re: Survey Monkey
by Austen Sinclair - Monday, 18 February 2013, 1:48 PM
Group PartnersGroup TXP Site AdministratorGroup V18 Program Complete

Hi Michelle

We've used the tools within Totara to achieve a compulsory Level 1 evaluation across all our courses since 2010.  We're both happy with it and are currently considering making leaving L1 feedback required as part of the Course Completion criteria.

I have a iMoot presentation that covers this but at 541k is just a little too big to post here.  Happy to email this direct though, if it's of any interest.


? ?
Re: Survey Monkey
by ? ? - Tuesday, 19 February 2013, 12:55 AM

Hi Austen,

Thank you for your comments. 

If you would be so kind to mnail me with the presentation that would be great.

Many Thanks
